Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Family bentos (#46, #47, #48)

Okay... I'll admit it. The only bento I actually spent more than a half second on this morning was my own.

This is some boneless chicken nuggets I got from the grocery store the other day. I'm still not sure of the flavor as I think they were mismarked as being "Buffalo chicken" flavor. In truth, they taste like they were basted with baked bean sauce. But... since I **lurv** baked beans, I'm happy with that.) I made a wall of edamame pods to separate it from the mashed potatoes and -- even though I don't like cherry tomatoes -- I stuck one in there to bento-ize it a bit.

Unfortunately, I forgot to zip up my lunch bag and the whole thing hit the floor later when I grabbed my bag's handle to pull it off the counter on my way out the door. Luckily, the bento landed on its bottom and only the lid flew off. (And, also luckily, I had just washed my floor!)

The boy's bento is a standard PB&J sandwich, some skewered grapes, chips, chocolate and a G2. He's working on a project at school for a favorite teacher during lunch and needs something simple.

Of course, after I'd stuffed his lunch bag in his backpack, he revealed to me that his lunches can get "complex" again because the teacher has asked that he come at Advisory (last period's study hall) instead of lunch time. *oy!*

But, hey... I did remember to buy marshmallows for French class! In all seven years of my own study of the French language and culture, I never learned that mashmallows go great with crepes. (*gag*)

I had zero energy left for the Hubster's lunch -- plus, I think he could do with a hot meal and he finds it a pain to have to deconstruct his bento box to heat things up. So... this is just leftover spaghetti and meatballs from dinner the other night. I made a side salad in a lockable bento box to make sure I could "count" this as an official bento and not just a packed lunch.

I added chocolates, some bread (Hubster likes to soak up sauce!), and smooshed lots of love into his lunch bag.

I also remembered to zip his bag up, thereby negating the need for a clean floor. *smirk*

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