Friday, May 8, 2009

Family bentos (#35, #36 and #37)

I stopped at Sam's Club and picked up a rotisserie chicken for a quesedilla dinner last night -- with the intention of having leftovers for our bentos today.

I added a lining of lettuce and some picks, but neglected to add anything to make the now-dry chicken at all appetizing. (Yuck!)

The rest of the bento is rounded out with cheeses, crackers, tomatoes, nuts, and grapes. I added frozen berries to vanilla yogurt, but had to wrap it all in plastic wrap when I overfilled the container and worried about spillage.

Note to self: the Hubster doesn't like honey-roasted peanuts. They all came back in the otherwise empty bento.

My bento was pretty much the same...

The Boy had another "deconstructed" PB&J sandwich:

There's waaaay too much of the same pale green in this bento, but he doesn't like many veggies that aren't green. I'm having a heck of a time explaining that green bell peppers and red bell papers are essentially the same thing, only less ripe. Oh, well, it was nutritious and he ate it all. (Note the TastyKakes! Aaaaargh, how can we give these up?!)

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