Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dad's and Boy's bentos (#44 and #45)

The Hubster is still hard at work on his thiiiiiis-close-to-finished ride. His days continue to be incredibly long and stressful, but play testing is shaking out fairly well (some bugs, some fixes that need to happen, but generally good.) I'm doing what I can to help by sending massive amounts of food to work with him to keep him going.

This bento is basically leftovers from last nights "non-Memorial Day" dinner of falafel. (It's not that we're not totally in favor of Memorial Day, just that I'd forgotten to get propane for our new grill and ... well... I also forgot that we didn't have any steak in the house.)

I had to use two Leaflet Tight boxes to hold it all, but they fit in his lunch bag stacked on top of each other. I included some tomato cous cous, fresh hummus and crackers to go with his tortilla (we ran out of pitas last night), tomato and lettuce. In the cup is some greek yogurt.

The boy only has about 18 days left of school and is counting down every minute!

For his lunch, he got a turkey and cheese roll-up, some TastyKake cupcakes (trying to cram in all the gluten-containg treats now, as our GI appointment is later this week) and a few grapes tucked in for some token fruit in this bento. (Oh wait, I packed a banana too!)

I included a bottle of G2 (low-carb Gatorade.)

I have a dental appointment that should be grueling today (two fillings have to be replaced!) and I decided to push my in-office day to tomorrow. No bento for me.

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